EXHIBITION: Electric Youth

#ElectricYouth is a collection of vibrant pieces musing on the impression of having a youthful spirit to truly thrive in this era. It will examine concepts of youthful resilience, creativity and the forever young mindset — If this energy can be seen by the naked eye, what would it look like? Curated by Fabrianne MoralesContinue reading “EXHIBITION: Electric Youth”


A collection of contemporary Abstract and Impressionist art by artists, who, with their signature styles celebrate on canvas their New Joys. KANKAN RAMOS Abstract Artist Kankan’s signature style combines colors and fluid movement that seem to have a continuous energy that is unstoppable. Her last group show was at the Agora Gallery in New YorkContinue reading “EXHIBITION: New Joys”

EXHIBITION: The Liquid Currents of Thoughts

“As an artist and a marketer, I think I can help people not only to get to understand something with their minds but also to feel it emotionally and physically. Art can help mitigate the effects created by the negativity that we as a society is faced today.” Check out the full article here: “TheContinue reading “EXHIBITION: The Liquid Currents of Thoughts”